Friday 3 August 2012

Family Life Cycle and SEC

Family Life Cycle for will be classified according to the usage of the website by different age groups or at different stages of life:-

  1. Unmarried, Working - This is the time when customer indulges in the form of entertainment and hence, would certainly log on to the website for buying tickets for cinema, events or theater. Savings must be on the mind at this stage of life, hence spending on the entertainment would be monitored and not at that big scale

  2. Married, No Kids - At this stage, newly married couples indulge actively in the form of entertainment. Hence, spending would be at a greater level than previous stage

  3. Married, Newbie Kids, Pre Teens - Entertainment takes a back seat at this stage of life as focus shifts to baby things, child care and savings for education. Also, people do not give priority to entertainment at this point of life

  4. Married, Growing / Grown up kids (Teens) - As teens do not prefer to go for entertainment activities with kids, the couple goes for entertainment activities on their own and entertainment again comes to forefront in their lives

  5. Empty Nest - As kids go on to live their own lives, there is greater disposable income present for expenses with the couple. As the couple begin to live a retired life without any worldly liabilities, they prefer to go for entertainment and are involved with it

  6. Single Survivor - As person lives a single survivor life, he or she would not be involved in entertainment and would just prefer to live quietly in their homes. Hence, this stage of live does not cater at a good extent to

 Socio - Economic Classification (SEC)

According to the Socio -  Economic Class (SEC) defined  in India:-

  • A1 & A2 - This classification is the one which forms the target group in maximum numbers or consumer base of .  As the people in this classification are executives, officers, professionals, they are more likely to be familiar to internet and e-commerce, and they are able to reap the benefits of technology and E-Commerce

  • B1 & B2 - Shopkeepers in this classification may be using the technology but only those, who are technology savvy. Most of the shopkeepers in the middle aged segment, may not be using it as their generation is not accustomed to use of computers. Also, as most people may not be even graduates, hence, the numbers are surely going to be less if not zero 

  • C,D & E - These classifications do not form the target group for as most of them are working class, clerical level workers or unskilled workers which more or less have not completed their secondary education or even are illiterates. There might be exceptions arising out of this class also, but those numbers may not that big as compared to the whole set of people in this class

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