Sunday 16 September 2012

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior for any business can be understood by the following model :-

Stimulus Response Model of Consumer Behavior

In the case of

Marketing Stimuli:-
  • It is dependent on price, place (distribution), products and services and promotions communications). 
  • Consumer behavior is surely stimulated by the various discounted prices offered at the website
  • There is no physical distribution channel of the services but the service is available where internet is available, hence, it is easy to use for technologically sound population
  • Various services offered by such as home delivery of tickets surely acts as a catalyst to use the website for booking tickets
  • Communications for the website is done in newspapers, magazines, television commercials or with any advertisement of an event being ticketed by, hence, people are able to acknowledge the presence of   

Environmental Stimuli:-
  • Various factors covered in this stimuli are economic, technological, political, cultural,demographic, natural and social
  • Economic and technological stimulus which leads to cultural stimulus is evident here because people with good economic status are able to afford the payment gateways such as credit cards. People with lesser economic status have access to debit cards, however they might not know to use it on internet. Similarly, an economically sound person will be able to afford the technology or deeply motivated person of lesser economic status will be using public portals such as cyber cafes to use the technology, which leads to a cultural stimuli
  • Cultural Stimuli are the things that the human being grasps from their near and dear ones since the childhood. Hence, if parents are economically and technologically sound, children are to bound to be on the same wavelength
  • There is no political or natural significance to buying on
  • Demographic stimuli is surely present because people belonging to major towns such as Delhi, Mumbai will be using the website oftener than people belonging to tier II and tier III cities
  • Social stimuli also plays an important part because most of the people tend to know about a 0 level service by word of mouth
Consumer's Psychology:-
  • Consumer's Psychology can be defined by attitude, motivation, learning, memory, perception, personality, lifestyle and knowledge
  • A person having attitude,motivation of using online services is bound to gain better from the service
  • Learning, knowledge and keeping in memory the usage of the service also plays an important role
  • Perception of the service is also a significant part. Consumer should have positive vibes before using the service
  • It also depends on personality as some people are too cautious or finicky against the usage of credit cards for online usage
  • Lifestyle also forms an important part as some people tend to book online out of choice of using credit cards oftener than paper money
 Decision Process:-
  •  There are 5 stages to the buying decision process:-
  • Problem recognition - People realizing the need to book first or ease of booking may lead them to use online e-ticketing options
  • Information Search - In this case, as majority of the market is held by, it may be a case that other alternatives may not be too much visible during information search
  • Evaluation of alternatives - Same case as information search, if the event to be witnessed by the consumer is available on the website, they do not have any other option than to book online through the same website only. The other option available is buying tickets physically from the box office, ticket window or concierge, or through other vendors such as cafe coffee day etc if they had a tie up with event production company
  • Purchase Decision - Entirely dependent on the choice of the customer and the amount customer is willing to pay or not for the tickets and services
  • Post - Purchase Behavior - Consumers can be satisfied or dissatisfied with the product or service. Hence, it varies form customer to customer
Purchase Decision:- 
  • Product Choice - Its a pull buying, hence, entirely dependent upon the choice of the customer
  • Brand Choice - No question of it, as ticket of a particular cinema will be present on only one website, hence, no choice given for brand
  • Dealer Choice - Same as above, one event, one dealer, no choice
  • Purchase amount - This plays the most important part in the behavior. If website gives the maximum discount to the customers or charges heavily to the customers, both the cases are going to have long lasting positive and negative impacts respectively
  •  Purchase Timing - Most of the bookings are done at the eleventh hour of the event. Hence, supply for the tickets increases as the start of the day gets nearing
  • Payment Method - Only online transactions are possible , hence, people able to afford online payment are able to use the services

1 comment:

  1. Im no expert, but I believe you just made an excellent point. You certainly fully understand what youre speaking about, and I can truly get behind that.
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