Friday 21 September 2012

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) and Marketing Strategies

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of

Segmentation,Targeting and Positioning Model


As Discussed earlier in the blog on "Socio Economic Classification", the segmented market for would be customers belonging to Class A and Class B of the socioeconomic class. In these classes, there can be customers belonging to different groups as everyone in these given class may not techno friendly to use the website or may not be owning any mean to make online payments such as credit cards or debit cards. However, we know what kind of population to target among the whole population, and we can decide upon the target audience after this


Among the people discussed above, people who are technologically sound, know the use of internet and have the means of making online payments should only be targeted. These can be people living in metropolitan cities or in tier I cities. Such customers can also be found in tier II or below cities, however, majority f the target audience will be residing in the tier I and metropolitan cities


Positioning of as a brand can be done through all forms of media channels. As acts as a service provider for a third party, hence, the products of the third party can be advertised along with as print advertisements or radio advertisements. Price of the service provided should be such that it should not let people feel the pinch of paying extra for a service. More services in distribution can be given to position the brand as customer friendly and promotion can be done through marketing strategies discussed below

Marketing Strategies:-
  •  Marketing for can be done through Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), because the service is provided online, hence the target group can be met mostly on the internet rather than on any other media

  • Marketing can be done through print advertisements of the events at offerings, in the English dailies and magazines being circulated in the cities mentioned above

  • Radio advertisements in the above mentioned cities will also help in gaining recognition among the consumers and help in creating awareness about the services offered

  • Advertisements should be aligned with the credit card bills going to the customers

  • Awareness can be done at various computer teaching institutes so that people come to know about e-ticketing and it's benefits

  • Strategy can be associated with go green initiatives as using e-ticketing saves paper

  • Advertisements can be put on social networking websites such as,, etc

  • Applications being developed for the above social networking websites can be done

  • Marketing can be done through applications developed for smart phones such as iPhones, Blackberry, Samsung etc

  • Customers should be asked  to share about their experiences of booking through conventional channels and booking through Videos should be uploaded on or on on homepage

  • Public engagement campaigns can be arranged by at the time of a big ticket release or a big event so that maximum people get to know about

  • can also start going for television commercials that it does not do yet. It only features in the advertisement of the event producers, but it can start doing it on its own
  • can also opt for out of home media as it does not advertise on its own. It can be seen along with the hoarding of the event organizer. It should start advertising on its own on such channels

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