Monday 10 September 2012

Distribution Decision


Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user, using direct means, or using indirect means with intermediaries is a 1 level distribution channel but not in the true sense as it is not the only retailer of the services. It just acts as an agent or a services provider. Companies routing through also sell the tickets on their own

Various Distribution Channels

In the case of which provides the services through the virtual world. Hence, the form of physical distribution cycle is not of relevance in the case of as there is no physical distriution of products and services take place except the home delivery of tickets in case of any special sports event or a big scale music event

In this case, customers themselves come to the seller instead it being the other way around.

Distribution decision plays an important role in terms of making tickets reach the venues, such as in IPL where the booking has been centralized through the website. However, some people are expected to collect the ticket either from the stadium or one of the partner outlets such as Cafe Coffee Day

Till now, the distribution is seasonal and in the near future, there might be a possibility of increase in distribution services, in case plans for expansion and ventures into other categories than entertainment ticketing

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