Saturday 22 September 2012

Sustainable or Holistic Marketing started with a concept of Sustainable or Holistic Marketing and it is living up to the same

  • This form of organization, in which everything is being performed digitally and which leads to saving a lot of paper can be a very good brand ambassador or sponsor of Go Green initiatives

  • We know that world is going digital and electronic is the next big thing. There are many print magazines which have completely moved on to digital media

  • All the transactions are performed digitally i.e without the use of paper money, the booking confirmations or receipts given are digital and not paper based

  • Hence, in that regard initiated as an organization thinking on the same lines

  • Also, is equally involved with corporate social responsibility initiatives as it gives a service in exclusive listing to donate Rs. 1/- for "Book a Smile" initiative run by Akanksha, an NGO.  
Logo of Akanksha

About The Akanksha Foundation
The Akanksha Foundation is a budding non-profit organization with a vision to equip all students with three quintessential ingredients to build their lives. Namely education, skills and character. Akanksha primarily deals with the field of education. Addressing non-formal education through the Akanksha centres and formal education via initiating school reforms

  • also gives service to purchase being human  t-shirts through its portal. Being Human is an NGO started by bollywood actor Salman Khan. Message displayed on by being human is shown below:-
Being Human: The Salman Khan Foundation supports the twin causes of education and healthcare. For every official Being Human t-shirt that you purchase, Rs.100 goes to the foundation. So, please don't buy pirated tees. We thank you for Being Human. 

Logo of Being Human

Therefore, is the thing to be in future. World is moving to digital media and it is already a big player in its segment which will add up to its brand and revenues. Supporting the social causes along with being environmental friendly organization is what every organization should aspire for

Future Beckons, is ready. Are you?

Friday 21 September 2012

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) and Marketing Strategies

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of

Segmentation,Targeting and Positioning Model


As Discussed earlier in the blog on "Socio Economic Classification", the segmented market for would be customers belonging to Class A and Class B of the socioeconomic class. In these classes, there can be customers belonging to different groups as everyone in these given class may not techno friendly to use the website or may not be owning any mean to make online payments such as credit cards or debit cards. However, we know what kind of population to target among the whole population, and we can decide upon the target audience after this


Among the people discussed above, people who are technologically sound, know the use of internet and have the means of making online payments should only be targeted. These can be people living in metropolitan cities or in tier I cities. Such customers can also be found in tier II or below cities, however, majority f the target audience will be residing in the tier I and metropolitan cities


Positioning of as a brand can be done through all forms of media channels. As acts as a service provider for a third party, hence, the products of the third party can be advertised along with as print advertisements or radio advertisements. Price of the service provided should be such that it should not let people feel the pinch of paying extra for a service. More services in distribution can be given to position the brand as customer friendly and promotion can be done through marketing strategies discussed below

Marketing Strategies:-
  •  Marketing for can be done through Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), because the service is provided online, hence the target group can be met mostly on the internet rather than on any other media

  • Marketing can be done through print advertisements of the events at offerings, in the English dailies and magazines being circulated in the cities mentioned above

  • Radio advertisements in the above mentioned cities will also help in gaining recognition among the consumers and help in creating awareness about the services offered

  • Advertisements should be aligned with the credit card bills going to the customers

  • Awareness can be done at various computer teaching institutes so that people come to know about e-ticketing and it's benefits

  • Strategy can be associated with go green initiatives as using e-ticketing saves paper

  • Advertisements can be put on social networking websites such as,, etc

  • Applications being developed for the above social networking websites can be done

  • Marketing can be done through applications developed for smart phones such as iPhones, Blackberry, Samsung etc

  • Customers should be asked  to share about their experiences of booking through conventional channels and booking through Videos should be uploaded on or on on homepage

  • Public engagement campaigns can be arranged by at the time of a big ticket release or a big event so that maximum people get to know about

  • can also start going for television commercials that it does not do yet. It only features in the advertisement of the event producers, but it can start doing it on its own
  • can also opt for out of home media as it does not advertise on its own. It can be seen along with the hoarding of the event organizer. It should start advertising on its own on such channels

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Organizational Buying Behaviour

According to the definition given in Marketing Management by Philip Kotler,  - "Organizational buying is the decision making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers"

In the case of, it is acting like a service provider or an agent for the products or services being produced by any other organization. Hence, the role of organizational buying decisions is very limited in scope for has only one objective i.e. to maximize its offering in terms of online ticket sales are concerned.Hence, evaluating and choosing brands and suppliers do not play a significant role in the decision making till the time the event they want to sell tickets for is profitable enough to go for online sales

Hence, defines the organizational buying behavior not in the terms of choosing the products but in the terms of services being offered to only clients who are profitable to work with, have substantial demand among the customers using e-ticketing sources and who would like to forge a long lasting relationship with

Sunday 16 September 2012

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior for any business can be understood by the following model :-

Stimulus Response Model of Consumer Behavior

In the case of

Marketing Stimuli:-
  • It is dependent on price, place (distribution), products and services and promotions communications). 
  • Consumer behavior is surely stimulated by the various discounted prices offered at the website
  • There is no physical distribution channel of the services but the service is available where internet is available, hence, it is easy to use for technologically sound population
  • Various services offered by such as home delivery of tickets surely acts as a catalyst to use the website for booking tickets
  • Communications for the website is done in newspapers, magazines, television commercials or with any advertisement of an event being ticketed by, hence, people are able to acknowledge the presence of   

Environmental Stimuli:-
  • Various factors covered in this stimuli are economic, technological, political, cultural,demographic, natural and social
  • Economic and technological stimulus which leads to cultural stimulus is evident here because people with good economic status are able to afford the payment gateways such as credit cards. People with lesser economic status have access to debit cards, however they might not know to use it on internet. Similarly, an economically sound person will be able to afford the technology or deeply motivated person of lesser economic status will be using public portals such as cyber cafes to use the technology, which leads to a cultural stimuli
  • Cultural Stimuli are the things that the human being grasps from their near and dear ones since the childhood. Hence, if parents are economically and technologically sound, children are to bound to be on the same wavelength
  • There is no political or natural significance to buying on
  • Demographic stimuli is surely present because people belonging to major towns such as Delhi, Mumbai will be using the website oftener than people belonging to tier II and tier III cities
  • Social stimuli also plays an important part because most of the people tend to know about a 0 level service by word of mouth
Consumer's Psychology:-
  • Consumer's Psychology can be defined by attitude, motivation, learning, memory, perception, personality, lifestyle and knowledge
  • A person having attitude,motivation of using online services is bound to gain better from the service
  • Learning, knowledge and keeping in memory the usage of the service also plays an important role
  • Perception of the service is also a significant part. Consumer should have positive vibes before using the service
  • It also depends on personality as some people are too cautious or finicky against the usage of credit cards for online usage
  • Lifestyle also forms an important part as some people tend to book online out of choice of using credit cards oftener than paper money
 Decision Process:-
  •  There are 5 stages to the buying decision process:-
  • Problem recognition - People realizing the need to book first or ease of booking may lead them to use online e-ticketing options
  • Information Search - In this case, as majority of the market is held by, it may be a case that other alternatives may not be too much visible during information search
  • Evaluation of alternatives - Same case as information search, if the event to be witnessed by the consumer is available on the website, they do not have any other option than to book online through the same website only. The other option available is buying tickets physically from the box office, ticket window or concierge, or through other vendors such as cafe coffee day etc if they had a tie up with event production company
  • Purchase Decision - Entirely dependent on the choice of the customer and the amount customer is willing to pay or not for the tickets and services
  • Post - Purchase Behavior - Consumers can be satisfied or dissatisfied with the product or service. Hence, it varies form customer to customer
Purchase Decision:- 
  • Product Choice - Its a pull buying, hence, entirely dependent upon the choice of the customer
  • Brand Choice - No question of it, as ticket of a particular cinema will be present on only one website, hence, no choice given for brand
  • Dealer Choice - Same as above, one event, one dealer, no choice
  • Purchase amount - This plays the most important part in the behavior. If website gives the maximum discount to the customers or charges heavily to the customers, both the cases are going to have long lasting positive and negative impacts respectively
  •  Purchase Timing - Most of the bookings are done at the eleventh hour of the event. Hence, supply for the tickets increases as the start of the day gets nearing
  • Payment Method - Only online transactions are possible , hence, people able to afford online payment are able to use the services

Thursday 13 September 2012

Sales Management

Let us examine the sales management system of an online ticketing organization such as  with the help of a figure:-

Sales mechanism of an online ticketing system

Sales Management in an online ticketing organization such as does not involves any sales person, as the sales methodology is PULL BASED rather than push based. However, the sales mechanism is structured with the help of regular IT services.

 The mechanism follows this single steps:-

  1. Customers log on to the website at the place of their convenience
  2. Customers choose their preference of tickets and the request for buying goes to the servers
  3. Servers redirect the request to the servers of the various payment gateways such as VISA, CITIBANK in case of credit card payments, various bank gateways for debit card payments or any other options
  4. If the payment gets approved, customers get a confirmation of their ticket(s). If payment is not approved, then customers get a message of regret or payment failure
  5. Customers with approved payments also receive an sms and an e-mail on their registered mobile number and e-mail respectively so as to show it at the concierge or box office to get the physical tickets 
  6. Customers might also be required to take a print out of the booking confirmation received on an e-mail, in case the ticket issuer demands so
The other part that sales team might be undertaking is reaching to maximum number of customers, letting them know the benefits of online ticketing and making sure that the count of the customers keeps on increasing month by month

Monday 10 September 2012

Distribution Decision


Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user, using direct means, or using indirect means with intermediaries is a 1 level distribution channel but not in the true sense as it is not the only retailer of the services. It just acts as an agent or a services provider. Companies routing through also sell the tickets on their own

Various Distribution Channels

In the case of which provides the services through the virtual world. Hence, the form of physical distribution cycle is not of relevance in the case of as there is no physical distriution of products and services take place except the home delivery of tickets in case of any special sports event or a big scale music event

In this case, customers themselves come to the seller instead it being the other way around.

Distribution decision plays an important role in terms of making tickets reach the venues, such as in IPL where the booking has been centralized through the website. However, some people are expected to collect the ticket either from the stadium or one of the partner outlets such as Cafe Coffee Day

Till now, the distribution is seasonal and in the near future, there might be a possibility of increase in distribution services, in case plans for expansion and ventures into other categories than entertainment ticketing

Friday 7 September 2012

Promotion for IMC / ATL / BTL

IMC --> Integrated Marketing Communications
ATL --> Above the line
BTL --> Below the line

Promotions by the are done in an integrated marketing environment through the use of both above the line and below the line advertising techniques. Primarily, above the line marketing techniques are used as below the line marketing strategies do not suit the online ticketing domain

ATL and BTL Methodologies

Above the line:-
Promotions of can be seen in newspapers, magazines, television or on outdoor boards also and also can be heard on the radio, however, most of the advertisements are sponsored by the client who has only one mode of selling tickets

Below the line:-

In below the line promotions, various discount coupons are sent to the customers who have made a purchase through the website and ordered for home delivery of the tickets. In that sense, it leads to direct customer contact 

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Pricing Policy of
Bookmyshow acts as the agent to those who are promoting the events for which customers purchase tickets ("Event Organizer") and for movie halls (Cinemas). When you purchase a ticket for an event/movie, Bookmyshow handles the transaction and collecting payment for the organizer/Cinema

Payments and Methods- BookMyShow accepts Visa, MasterCard,American Express, select Debit Cards and Net Banking. 

Sales and Inventory - Bookmyshow sells tickets on behalf of Event organizers/Cinemas and does not control the inventory or its availability.

Convenience Charges and Order Processing Fees - The only pricing in the control of are these convenience charges and order processing charges. Tickets purchased on Bookmyshow are subject to a per ticket convenience charge and a non-refundable per order processing fee.

Monday 3 September 2012



As the majority of the target group for is formed by individuals who are internet savvy, have either credit or debit cards to pursue financial transactions, hence, branding of the website is done in the conventional advertising way only if it is a big ticket release or event.

Otherwise, most of the branding done by is through word of mouth or it is a classic case of a thirsty man able to look out for the water i.e people who wish to witness any movie or an event , and who want to book the tickets in advance will inadvertently log on to website for achieving their end

One of the advertisement for branding as a one stop destination for ticket sales before IPL can be seen below


Branding of is done through print advertisements only when it wants to promote an offer such as:-

Offer published in newspaper

Offer like these are able to project as a pocket friendly enterprise which helps customers to save their hard earned money

Most of the advertisements or branding strategies of revolve around the timings of the event, hence, these are seasonal in nature. Also, does not aggressively markets itself as compared to, which aggressively markets itself via television commercials

Thursday 30 August 2012

Services and Services Marketing



Various Services offered by are as follows:-

Delivery of Tickets - Bookmyshow offers multiple delivery options. The options may vary from for different events/movies. Currently the following delivery options are available:
  • Email confirmation:Booking confirmation is  sent via an email. This confirmation needs to be printed and shown at the ticket counter to get a physical ticket
  • SMS confirmation: Booking confirmationis  sent via an SMS. The SMS details need to be shown at the ticket counter to get a physical ticket
In case one experiences any problem(s), customers can call at  the helpdesk 3989 5050 and dial '4' for assistance
Bookmyshow may chose to send the physical tickets for the event/movie. Delivery will be attempted twice before canceling your transaction

Home Delivery of tickets - Customers are given an option of home delivery of tickets in case of any sports event such as Indian Premier League or an F1 race 
Telebooking - Customers have the option of booking the tickets by simply making a phone call also. This service proves to be very useful in cases when customers are not immediately inaccessible to internet or are not tech savvy at all 
Customer Care  -  Customers have various options of solving queries or issues which are mentioned as follows:-

Various options of solving queries or issues
  1. FAQ's - There is a list of Frequently asked questions present on the customer support tab to solve a frequently asked problem
  2. E-Mail - Customers can resolve query or ask a question to the support team by e-mail. Customers can drop an e-mail to
  3. Phone Number - Customers can call on 3989 5050 and get their problem solved
  4. Live Chat - also gives an option to have a live chat with customer care executive to resolve any issue or query
Services Marketing of is being done at various social marketing mediums and also through its own applications

List of applications that can be used for Bookmyshow,com
Various applications or tools available for marketing services are:-

  1. iPhone application - Tickets can also be bought through iPhone applications which makes it readily available for the customers to buy tickets form their phones
  2. Android application - Tickets can also be bought through android phone applications to book tickets on the go
  3. Windows Phone application - Tickets can also be bought through Window phones applications which makes it easy for customers to not to look for computer to make bookings
  4. Blackberry application - Tickets can also be bought through blackberry phone applications for the benefit of the customer
  5. Facebook application  -  Tickets can also be booked on social networking website  which makes it convenient for customers to book ticketd while they are socializing
Hence, these additions to their services help in the marketing of  and lead to positive branding of the entity

Thursday 23 August 2012

Product Mix


The products offered by are having good variety and mix. The major or primary offering of are the movie tickets

Movie Tickets

Drop Down option of Movie tickets has these options in its movie drop down menu:-

  • Now Showing - Movies that are currently being run at the time of booking
  • Coming Soon - Movies that are yet to be released
  • Prebook - In case you want to book a movie before its release, gives that option also. It asks for your three preferred cinemas, preferred time slots and preferred ticket prices
  • Trailers - Website also showcases trailers of the upcoming movies
  • Reviews - Customers can also read reviews of the released movies if they wish to refer to it before seeing a movie
The cities for which tickets can be booked are:-
List of cities in which service is available

Events and Theater Tickets 

The website also has ticket buying options of many upcoming events such as rock concerts, plays and comedy standup acts

Drop down list of Events and Theater has these options in its events and theater drop down menu:-

  • Events - Tickets for all the upcoming events such as rock concerts, music festivals can be bought from the website
  • Plays - Tickets for the upcoming theatrical plays and ongoing plays are offered
  • Comedy - Tickets for stand up comedy acts are also on sale through the website

Sports Events Tickets

The website also offers tickets for upcoming and ongoing sports events such as F1 Race or IPL. It caters to all kind of sports such as Cricket, Motor Racing, Hockey, Bodybuilding etc

Drop Down list of Sports Events
It also gives information about the past sports events on the website


The product mix is not limited to ticket buying only. One can use the website to buy merchandize of sports entities such as Mumbai Indians or can use the website for donations by buying a Being Human T-Shirt or donation Rs. 1/- by "Book a smile" initiative of and the Akanksha Foundation

Drop Down list of Exclusives has these exclusive options apart from ticket buying :-

  • Book A Smile - It is a tie up between and The Akanksha Foundation, an NGO which gives options to the customers to contribute Rs.1/- to the noble cause
  • Rajeev Masand - Movie reviews can also be seen by renowned movie critic, Rajeev Masand
  • Being Human T-Shirts - T-shirts of the NGO founded by Bollywood actor, Salman Khan can also be bought through the website
  • Mumbai Indians Merchandize - Customers can also buy merchandize of Mumbai Indians, an Indian Premier League cricket team
  • Offers - This option states the different offers run in association with various banks and pay transfer mediums
  • BMS Gift Cards -  Options of giving services of as gifts is also available in the website  
  • Corporate Vouchers -This option is provided for making the bulk purchases of vouchers such as WINPIN, Movie Money and Gift Vouchers

Thursday 16 August 2012

Product Life Cycle (PLC) and Industry Life Cycle (ILC)


 Life cycle of any product has 4 stages namely:-
  1. Introduction
  2. Growth
  3. Maturity
  4. Decline
Product life cycle
For,  it has certainly passed on the introduction state because
Introduction - It started in 1999 when Indian IT industry was on a growth side. Hence, it did not face much of a problem of reaching to the customers. The problem that it faced was of educating people about e-ticketing and creating awareness about the benefits that it provided over the conventional methods of buying tickets

Growth  -Analyzing the current scenario, I believe that is in the growth stage and to be precise, in initial growth stage. As trend of online ticketing is beginning in India, hence, I believe that this is a promising time for Also, as more and more people get computer friendly or internet friendly, the industry for online ticketing is going to have its positive effects

INDUSTRY LIFE CYCLE holds 90% market share in the online ticketing industry in India, , being the major destination for movie and non-movie options like concerts, plays, events and sports. is the second major holder after

Introduction - As the industry is too young in India i.e around a decade old, it is still in the introduction stage as more and more players join the industry. The major role that competition can play is to break the hold of and pose a threat to its advantageous position. The times when every competitor is competing to have the maximum hold will be the time to look up to. I feel that there are exciting times ahead.

Friday 10 August 2012


Lets examine the competition faced by with respect to Porter's five forces model :-

Porter's five forces

Suppliers - Suppliers to the offerings are the event organizers and cinema owners who find a benefit in outsourcing the logistics of handling ticket sales. As much as it help them to use that cost in other revenues, it helps the e-ticketing site to generate business. Suppliers will outsource their ticket sales to that company, with whom they are able to strike the best deal, hence, they add to the competition in industry

Buyers- Buyers are the customers that find benefit in booking through these tickets through e-ticketing sites. Customers are not able to choose between the different sites because tickets of one event is available on only one platform. Hence, they do not add that much to the competition

Potential Entrants - New players in the industry add to the competition but not to that much significant levels because potential entrants can vouch for a new event only as it is very difficult for new entrants to take over an event from an established competitor

Substitutes- Substitutes to the ticketing websites are the box offices in cinemas and physical ticket vending boxes at the events. Hence, people who do not prefer to book in advance or who are not technologically sound to book through internet will be catering to such choices. Hence, this target group would also not contribute much to the industry rivalry

Industry Rivalry  - All the above options lead to industry rivalry which leads to competition. The competitors information is as follows:-


As India has just experienced online ticketing sector i.e it emerged around a decade ago, hence there are not many competitors of Few of the competitors are :-


Logo of holds the second best share in the market after It is a website which covers various events such as films, theater, sports and  music. It also has good number of clients with respect to number of movie screens are concerned on a pan India basis. It has offerings in major cities of Indi as well as in tier II and III towns. is giving a strict competition to in today's time


Logo of No More also has pan India presence but mainly into tier II and tier III cities of India for movie screening options. It also has limited offerings in terms of events are concerned. Hence, it is catering to specific audiences


Logo of caters specifically to South Indian market and primarily movie offerings produced in southern India.  It has its operations confined mainly to South Indian towns, however, it has some offerings in the cities present in western India also. It is not present in north India, hence, this proves to be a hindrance to its growth in the sector

MULTIPLEXES - Ticket selling on its own

Many of the multiplexes, such as PVR Cinemas, Fame Cinemas and INOX Movies have not outsourced there ticket selling operations. Tickets for their cinemas are only available through their websites, hence, whole of the revenue generation by the ticket sales is their own and they do not need to logistically connect with other entity

Logo of PVR Cinemas

Logo of Fame Cinemas

Logo of Inox Cinemas

Friday 3 August 2012

Family Life Cycle and SEC

Family Life Cycle for will be classified according to the usage of the website by different age groups or at different stages of life:-

  1. Unmarried, Working - This is the time when customer indulges in the form of entertainment and hence, would certainly log on to the website for buying tickets for cinema, events or theater. Savings must be on the mind at this stage of life, hence spending on the entertainment would be monitored and not at that big scale

  2. Married, No Kids - At this stage, newly married couples indulge actively in the form of entertainment. Hence, spending would be at a greater level than previous stage

  3. Married, Newbie Kids, Pre Teens - Entertainment takes a back seat at this stage of life as focus shifts to baby things, child care and savings for education. Also, people do not give priority to entertainment at this point of life

  4. Married, Growing / Grown up kids (Teens) - As teens do not prefer to go for entertainment activities with kids, the couple goes for entertainment activities on their own and entertainment again comes to forefront in their lives

  5. Empty Nest - As kids go on to live their own lives, there is greater disposable income present for expenses with the couple. As the couple begin to live a retired life without any worldly liabilities, they prefer to go for entertainment and are involved with it

  6. Single Survivor - As person lives a single survivor life, he or she would not be involved in entertainment and would just prefer to live quietly in their homes. Hence, this stage of live does not cater at a good extent to

 Socio - Economic Classification (SEC)

According to the Socio -  Economic Class (SEC) defined  in India:-

  • A1 & A2 - This classification is the one which forms the target group in maximum numbers or consumer base of .  As the people in this classification are executives, officers, professionals, they are more likely to be familiar to internet and e-commerce, and they are able to reap the benefits of technology and E-Commerce

  • B1 & B2 - Shopkeepers in this classification may be using the technology but only those, who are technology savvy. Most of the shopkeepers in the middle aged segment, may not be using it as their generation is not accustomed to use of computers. Also, as most people may not be even graduates, hence, the numbers are surely going to be less if not zero 

  • C,D & E - These classifications do not form the target group for as most of them are working class, clerical level workers or unskilled workers which more or less have not completed their secondary education or even are illiterates. There might be exceptions arising out of this class also, but those numbers may not that big as compared to the whole set of people in this class

Saturday 28 July 2012

Customer Buying Decisions

The decision making of the customer while purchasing from can be due to various factors:-

  1. Effort saving - The effort required to go manually to the physical kiosk or box office is saved when one books through this website. There is an additional fee charged by the website known as  "convenience charge"and as the number of people booking through the website increase, it shows that customers are not minding paying extra for such convenience.. Convenience is important than a bit of money..!!

  2. Time Saving - Imagine of a situation when you want to catch a movie in one hour and it takes forty minutes to reach the venue, helps you save "time" and "fuel". One can see whether they will be able to get a ticket or not, and accordingly can make a choice to leave for the cinema or not. Thank god, someone is thinking about the time and more importantly "environment".. (y)

  3. Book in advance - Customers can book in advance and can save themselves from the misery of paying the same price as the last row, but watching the movie in the front row(s)

  4. Multiple options available - Availability of multiple options for one particular movie in a city in the form of cinemas helps the customer make a choice about which show, which cinema , they would like to see the movie in. Customer gets to make a choice at a single platform. How cool is that.. !!

  5. Seat Selection - One gets to choose their own seat(s). Hence, the given option encourages the customer to book through the website

  6.  Discount Offers - offers discounts on the usage of various credit or debit cards. Hence, it persuades the customer to buy through to save on that bit of money. Also, offers are present as per the tie ups with cinemas, hence, customer tends to book the ticket via the website, even if the cinema is stone throw away from the home, because that discount offer would not be available at the box office

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Customer Value

The values that customer find in booking tickets through are many, and are discussed below :-

Queue outside a cinema hall
  • Freedom from standing in Long Queues - Customers booking through the website need not stand in queues such as above to buy tickets. Booking tickets has been made hassle free by the use of internet  and can be done at your convenience
  • Choose your own seats - It gives the choice to choose seats on your own in the cinema or the in the seating area of the stadium
  • Real time status - Real time status is available for the movie or an event. A customer can decide, how urgently they want to book a ticket depending upon the status of availability of the tickets
  • Strata of options  - When we go to a cinema to buy tickets, we are restricted to only that cinema. But , here customers get plethora of options in the form of multiple cinemas
  • Multiple cities - The website gives the options of various cities in India beyond the metros. So, even if one is not in the metros, they can book the ticket on the same website. The depth provided in terms of cities is a major plus
  • Events, Movies and Theater under one roof - The ticket booking options go beyond the cinema tickets booking. It also cater to the need of sports events such as IPL, F1 etc, music events such as Poets of the fall tour to India, Korn tour to India etc and all the theatre activities happening in the country
BookMyShow has certainly evolved by not restricting itself to one form of entertainment. Let us see, how much value it is able to provide to the customer in future.  

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Introduction to the world of E-Ticketing and introduction of E-Ticketing world to India

Logo of Book My Show

  • Did you remember the days when one used to stand in long queues to buy tickets for the particular event or a movie. How many of us actually did enjoy the experience of doing that? I guess, NONE.
  • Then, came a pioneering idea in India , of getting tickets sitting in your drawing room or bedroom or whatever place one feels comfortable in. All one needed to perform such activity was an internet connection and a computer

  • The idea was introduced by Bigtree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. ,India's premiere comprehensive ticketing, information and analysis solutions provider.
  • Bigtree Entertainment's is India’s largest e ticketing website and holds a 90% market share in the online entertainment ticketing space, being the only destination for movie and non-movie options like concerts, plays, events and sports.
  • Established in 1999 with a clear focus of providing cutting-edge digital solutions to the entertainment industry

  • Bigtree caters to cinemas and event organisers as well as the consumers and is the only company that provides a complete range of solutions through call centers, internet ticketing, kiosks and mobile ticketing.

  • From setting up India's first entertainment ticketing company with Chase Capital Partners JP Morgan, Bigtree, over the years, has attracted renowned investors like the present one, Network 18. 

  • With a dedicated team of over 300 people, Bigtree has extended its reach across the entire matrix of the motion picture distribution and exhibition.

  • Bigtree has a range of services that cater to specific needs of their clients. Bigtree's White Label Services are for clients who do not have a presence over the Internet, so as to enable Online Ticketing Services.
  • Bigtree has a partnership with Vista Entertainment Services, New Zealand, which specialises in providing top quality software solutions to the cinema market.
  • Bigtree is the only company in India that represents Rentrak's tracking system; International Box Office Essentials (IBOE).
  • Bigtree's in house call centers take bookings and delivery of tickets for more than 50 cinemas, through 16 centers and more than 200 employees, across the country.